UT Dallas Syllabus Policies and Procedures

The information below constitutes the University's policies and procedures segment of course syllabi and may be referenced by faculty members in their course syllabi.

Instructors of record: Please use the following permanent address when referring to this page: https://go.utdallas.edu/syllabus-policies

Instructor Resources

Registrar's Intranet: please log in with your UTD NetID and password to access this site. Information that faculty need about grading, scheduling, and other essential aspects of our responsibilities related to teaching are made available and updated regularly in the Registrar's Intranet. This source of information can only be accessed by logging in with your UTD NetID and password. Many important faculty questions are answered here, and this is information that faculty members are expected to know and understand.

FERPA Faculty Guidelines: you will be asked to log in before you access the FERPA Guidelines webpage on the Registrar's Intranet. If faculty have additional questions about FERPA guidance, please contact the Office of the Registrar for the proper student consent forms and further instructions. NOTE: Class recordings from prior semesters may be used as long there are no identifiable student information due to FERPA because instructors will need students' written consent first. Please review your previous class recordings for identifiable student information before using them in the current term. For additional guidance, contact the Office of the Registrar.

Exam Proctoring: At the discretion of the professor, exams of fully online courses may use proctoring software that requires a webcam of the testing area and the recording of all activity during the exam.

UT System Resources for Creating Accessible Course Content: designed to assist faculty with developing course content.

Student Resources

Sharing Confidential Information

Students considering sharing personal information in email or in person should be aware that all University staff, faculty, teaching assistants/associates, and graduate/research assistants are required by UT Dallas policy to report information about sexual misconduct to the UT Dallas Title IX Coordinator. Per university policy, Sexual Misconduct Policy - UTDBP3102, faculty have been informed that they must identify the student to the UT Dallas Title IX Coordinator. Students who wish to have confidential discussions of incidents related to sexual harassment or sexual misconduct should contact the following for example:

  1. the Student Counseling Center (972-883-2575 or the 24/7 Crisis Hotline at 972-UTD-TALK or 972-883-8255),
  2. a health care provider in the Student Health Center (972-883-2747),
  3. a clergyperson (or other legally recognized religious advisor) of their choice, or
  4. an off-campus resource (e.g., a rape crisis center, doctor, psychologist).

Students who are sexually assaulted, harassed, or are victims of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, or stalking, are encouraged to directly report these incidents to the UT Dallas Police Department by calling 972-883-2222 or calling the Title IX Coordinator at 972-883-4470. Their website, Institutional Compliance Support Services and Resourceshas additional information.

Technical Support

If you experience any issues with your UT Dallas account, contact the UT Dallas Office of Information Technology Help Desk or call 972-883-2911.

UT Dallas provides eLearning technical support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through UTD eLearning Helpdesk. The services include a toll-free telephone number, 1-866-588-3192, for immediate assistance, Educational Technology Services (eLearning) is available by email to request services. They also have an online chat service.

Field Trip Policies, Off-Campus Instruction and Course Activities

Off-campus, out-of-state, foreign instruction/travel, and course-related field trip activities are subject to state law and university policies and procedures regarding travel and risk-related activities.

Detailed information regarding this policy, in accordance to Texas Education Code, Section 51.950, can be accessed through the UT Dallas Policy UTDBP3023, and the Travel-Related Risk Risks webpage. Additional information is also available from the office of the school dean by telephone, 972-883-6391 or by email.

Student Conduct and Discipline

The University of Texas System Regents' Rule 50101 and UT Dallas have rules and regulations for the orderly and efficient conduct of their business. It is the responsibility of each student and each student organization to be knowledgeable about the rules and regulations which govern student conduct and activities. General information on student conduct and discipline is contained in the Student Complaints Resources within the online UT Dallas Undergraduate Catalog, and the Graduate Catalog.

UT Dallas administers student discipline within the procedures of recognized and established due process. Procedures are defined and described in the (Student Code of Conduct, UTDSP5003). Copies of these rules and regulations are available to students in the Office of Community Standards and Conduct, where staff members are available to assist students in interpreting the rules and regulations (SSB 4.400, 972-883-6330) and online at their webpage.

A student at the University neither loses their rights nor escapes the responsibilities of citizenship. He or she is expected to obey federal, state, and local laws as well as the Regents' Rules, university regulations, and administrative rules. Students are subject to discipline for violating its standards of conduct whether such conduct takes place on or off campus, or whether civil or criminal penalties are also imposed for such conduct.

Social Media Use

The Student Code of Conduct includes behaviors conducted via any digital platform. Students may not use any digital platform to seek or provide unauthorized assistance for any assignment done for academic credit. Students may not use any digital platform to impersonate or represent any person other than themselves. Please consult with your instructor regarding authorized assistance.

Academic Integrity

The faculty expects from its students a high-level of responsibility and academic honesty. Because the value of an academic degree depends upon the absolute integrity of the work done by the student for that degree, it is imperative that a student demonstrates a high standard of individual honor in his or her scholastic work. Additional information is provided within their website.

Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty can occur in relation to any type of work submitted for academic credit or as a requirement for a class. It can include individual work or a group project. Academic dishonesty includes plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, and collaboration/collusion. In order to avoid academic dishonesty, it is important for students to fully understand the expectations of their professors. This is best accomplished through asking clarifying questions if an individual does not completely understand the requirements of an assignment.

Additional information related to academic dishonesty and tips on how to avoid dishonesty may be found on their website.

It is the policy of UT Dallas to adhere to the requirements of the United States Copyright Law of 1976, as amended, (Title 17, United States Code), including ensuring that the restrictions that apply to the reproduction of software are adhered to and that the bounds of copying permissible under the fair use doctrine are not exceeded. Copying, displaying, reproducing, or distributing copyrighted material may infringe upon the copyright owner's rights. Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject students to appropriate disciplinary action as well as civil and criminal penalties. Usage of such material is only appropriate when that usage constitutes "fair use" under the Copyright Act. The fair use exemption has more information. As a UT Dallas student, you are required to follow UT Dallas' copyright policy, UTDPP1043 and the UT System's copyright policy, UTS107.

In accordance with Regents' Rule 90101, section 6, and federal copyright law, a student enrolled in a course owns the intellectual property created by the student in the course.

Email Use

UT Dallas recognizes the value and efficiency of communication between faculty/staff and students through electronic mail. At the same time, email raises some issues concerning security and the identity of each individual in an email exchange. All official student email correspondence will be sent only to a student's UT Dallas email address and UT Dallas will only consider email requests originating from an official UT Dallas student email account. This allows the University to maintain a high degree of confidence in the identity of each individual corresponding via email and the security of the transmitted information. UT Dallas furnishes each student with a free email account that is to be used in all communication with university personnel. The Office of Information Technology provides a method for students to have their UT Dallas mail forwarded to other email accounts. To activate a student UT Dallas computer account and forward email to another account, access NetId Self-Service Portal to set it up.

Class Attendance

The University's attendance policy requirement is that individual faculty set their course attendance requirements. Regular and punctual class attendance is expected regardless of course modality. Students who fail to attend class regularly are inviting scholastic difficulty. In some courses, instructors may have special attendance requirements; these should be made known to students during the first week of classes.

Class Participation

Regular class participation is expected regardless of course modality. Students who fail to participate in class regularly are inviting scholastic difficulty. A portion of the grade in the course is directly tied to class participation. It also includes students' engagement in group or other activities during class that solicit feedback on homework assignments, readings, and/or materials covered in the lectures and/or labs. Class participation is documented by faculty. Successful class participation is defined as consistently adhering to University requirements, as presented in the syllabus. Failure to comply with these University requirements is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct - UTSP5003.

Military Affiliated Students

At the University of Texas at Dallas, we are committed to supporting our military and veteran students and their spouses and dependents as they pursue their academic goals. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by those who have served, we strive to create a welcoming and supportive environment. Please contact your instructor if you are on active duty, called to serve, or if any aspect of your current or past military service, or your family situation, makes it challenging to meet the course requirements or affects your academic progress. Your instructor is committed to supporting you and will work with you to address any complications.

The Military and Veteran Center (MVC) offers a range of resources and referrals to campus and community partners, ensuring that our military and veteran students can access the assistance they need. Whether it is academic advising, financial aid, or personal support, the MVC is dedicated to helping our students succeed and thrive in their educational journey.

Credit/No Credit and Pass/Fail Grading Options

Students are encouraged to review the online catalogs regarding Credit/No Credit or Pass/Fail courses. Students should consult their academic advisors to understand what it means for their academic careers before completing the form prior to Census Day.

Undergraduate students: please review the Credit/No Credit Classes section in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Graduate students: please review the Pass/Fail Grading section in the Graduate Catalog.

Withdrawal from Class

The administration at UT Dallas has established deadlines for withdrawal from any course. These dates and times are published in the Comet Calendar and in the Academic Calendar. It is the student's responsibility to handle withdrawal requirements from any class. In other words, a professor or another instructor cannot drop or withdraw any student unless there is an administrative drop such as the following:

It is the student's responsibility to complete and submit the appropriate forms to the Registrar's Office and ensure that he or she will not receive a final grade of "F" in a course if he or she chooses not to attend the class after being enrolled.

Undergraduate students: please review the Dropping and Withdrawing section in the catalog.

Graduate students: please review the Schedule Changes: Dropping, Adding and Withdrawing from Courses section in the catalog.

Student Grievance Procedures

Procedures for student grievances are found in the university policy UTDSP5005. In attempting to resolve any student grievance regarding disputes over grades, application of degree plan, graduation/degree program requirements, and thesis/and dissertation committee, adviser actions and/or decisions, evaluations, and/or other fulfillments of academic responsibility, it is the obligation of the student first to make a serious effort to resolve the matter with the instructor, supervisor, administrator, or committee with whom the grievance originated.

Incomplete Grade Policy

As per university policy, incomplete grades may be given at the discretion of the instructor of record for a course, when a student has completed at least 70% of the required course material but cannot complete all requirements by the end of the semester. An incomplete course grade (grade of 'I') must be completed within the time period specified by the instructor, not to exceed eight (8) weeks from the first day of the subsequent long semester. Upon completion of the required work, the grade of 'I' may be converted into a letter grade (A through F). If the grade of Incomplete is not removed by the end of the specified period, it will automatically be changed to a grade of F. The incomplete grade policy is included in the online UT Dallas Undergraduate Catalog and the Graduate Catalog.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

The University of Texas at Dallas is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. The syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request. If you are seeking classroom accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (2008), you are required to register with the AccessAbility Resource Center (ARC), located in the Administration Building, Suite 2.224. They can be reached by email, calling 972-883-2098, or at their website. To receive academic accommodations for this class, please register and request services by completing the Request for Services form with the proper documentation and meeting with the Director of ARC at the beginning of the semester.

Religious Holy Days

UT Dallas will excuse a student from class or other required activities, including examinations and travel time, for the observance of a religious holy day for a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property tax under Section 11.20, of the Texas Tax Code.

Students are encouraged to notify the instructor or activity sponsor as soon as possible regarding the absence, preferably in advance of the assignment.

Excused students will be allowed to take missed exams or complete assignments within a reasonable time after the absence: a period equal to the length of the absence, up to a maximum of one week. A student who notifies the instructor and completes any missed exam or assignment may not be penalized for the absence. A student who fails to complete the exam or assignment within the prescribed period may receive a failing grade for that exam or assignment.

If a student or an instructor disagrees about the nature of the absence [i.e., for the purpose of observing a religious holy day] or if there is similar disagreement about whether the student has been given a reasonable time to complete any missed assignments or examinations, either the student or the instructor may request a ruling from the school's vice or associate dean, who serve as the President's designees for these rules. The vice or associate deans must take into account the legislative intent of Texas Education Code 51.911(b), and the student and instructor will abide by the decision of the vice or associate dean.

This information is also included in the online UT Dallas Undergraduate Catalog, and the Graduate Catalog.

Making a False Alarm or Report Involving a Public or Private Institution of a Higher Education

Making a false threat at any Texas higher education institution is considered a State Jail Felony, not a Class A misdemeanor, according to a law passed by the Texas Legislature.

This legislation was enacted in response to several threats in past years at several universities across the U.S. that disrupted classes and prompted evacuation of campus property, even though the reports turned out to be a hoax.

This law relates to the offense of making or causing a false alarm or report involving a public or private institution of higher education. A person commits an offense under Section 42.06, Texas Penal Code, if he or she knowingly initiates, communicates or circulates a report of a present, past, or future bombing, fire, offense, or other emergency that he or she knows is false or baseless and that would ordinarily:

  1. Cause action by an official or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies;
  2. Place a person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury; or
  3. Prevent or interrupt the occupation of a building, room, place of assembly, place to which the public has access, or aircraft, automobile, or other mode of conveyance.

An individual adjudged guilty of a state jail felony shall be punished by confinement in a state jail for any term of not more than two years or less than 180 days and, in addition to confinement, may be punished by a fine not to exceed $10,000.

UT Dallas students should be aware that the State of Texas takes these threats seriously, and the legal consequences, which are severe, go beyond anything that the University's disciplinary committee can address.

This information is also included in the online UT Dallas Undergraduate Catalog and in the Graduate Catalog.

Interactive Campus Map – Locate Severe Weather Shelters, Elevators, and Bathrooms

The interactive campus map allows users to search for severe weather shelter areas in each building. On the map, click on a building and select "Storm Shelters" from the "Find" drop-down menu. Remember, a severe weather shelter area is usually any interior room without windows, such as a restroom, hallway, conference room, or office. Try to find shelter on the lowest floor of the building and stay away from large auditoriums or gyms. Users can also use the same map to locate elevators and bathrooms.

Academic Support Resources

Resources to Help You Succeed

Instructors of record: Please use the following Academic Support Resources permanent address when referring to this section.

All Students

For help with a research assignment, such as finding journal articles or using a database, try CHAT at McDermott Library.

The Center for Students in Recovery helps students seeking recovery from substance and alcohol use, eating disorders, and other addictions and compulsive behaviors. They also help students affected by these issues or individuals exploring the impact of addictions or compulsive behaviors within their lives. Their mission is to provide a safe, supportive community to enable students to thrive both socially and academically while living in recovery. They are located in SSB 4.500, on the fourth floor of the Student Services Building. They can be contacted by calling 972-883-7320 or they can be reached by email.

The Comet Cupboard is a UT Dallas food pantry initiative dedicated to helping students in need. The Comet Cupboard is located in MC 1.604, on the first floor of the McDermott Library, and can be contacted by calling 972-883-6613 or email.

Comet Cents provides financial literacy to students with the peer-to-peer model. This money management center provides one-on-one appointments and workshops throughout the semester. Comet Cents works to help students improve their financial situation with topics such budgeting, credit card debit, investing and other personal finance areas.

Intercultural Programs provides a host of transition programs for international students and intercultural competency trainings for all students. They are located in SSB 3.6, on the third floor of the Student Services Building. Their phone number is 972-883-4528.

The Student Counseling Center offers confidential services to students either for individual appointments or as part of groups. Initial appointments must be made in person in the Student Counseling Center, which is located in SSB 4.600, on the fourth floor of the Student Services Building. Their main number is 972-883-2575 and the 24/7 Crisis Hotline is 972-883-8255 (972-UTD-TALK).

The Student Health Center (SHC) provides primary and preventative medical care to currently enrolled students who have paid medical fees and are attending classes. Currently enrolled students can obtain a wide variety of services, such as physicals, diagnosis and treatment of acute illnesses and injuries, general medical problems, gynecological problems, treatment of stabilized chronic illnesses, allergy injections, limited immunizations, x-rays, and ultrasound. SHC staff of licensed medical providers is committed to keeping the UT Dallas community healthy and believes that health and wellness information complement the academic success of students. SHC is located on the fourth floor of the Student Services Building, SSB 4.700 and they can be reached by telephone, 972-883-2747, fax, 877-769-7514, or by email.

The Testing Center, run by the Education Technology Services, offers a 300-seat computer lab, providing UT Dallas students access to a comfortable and secure test environment for online/paper exams, quizzes, instructional testing, and assessments. The Testing Center is located in Room 11.175, the first floor of the Synergy Park North 2 (SP2) building and can be contacted by calling 972-883-2460 or by email. If you experience issues taking an exam in eLearning, please contact the UTD eLearning Helpdesk.

Undergraduate Students

Graduation Help Desk

The Graduation Help Desk is a one-stop resource within the Office of Undergraduate Education designed to help undergraduate students overcome obstacles to a timely graduation. The Graduation Help Desk supports undergraduate students, faculty and staff to develop solutions to complex academic and non-academic issues. This resource is equipped to promote all undergraduate students' success by helping them at any point during their academic careers from their arrival at UT Dallas until their graduation. The Graduation Help Desk can be contacted by email.

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center (SSC) offers assistance to students in the areas of writing, mathematics, communication, multiple science fields, study skills, and other academic disciplines. These services are available through individual appointments, small group appointments, drop-in labs, workshops, and weekly reviews. All undergraduate students enrolled at UT Dallas are eligible to participate in these services. Not all courses will be supported by all services. Please check the website at the beginning of each semester to find out which courses are supported by which services.

The SSC is divided into six units and undergraduate students are able to use as fits their course needs each semester. All services are free of charge.

In Academic Success Coaching (ASC), students can receive help with time management, goal setting, test preparation, and various other study techniques and strategies. Student coaches offer one-on-one appointments and workshops throughout the semester.

The Communication Lab (CommLab) offers one-on-one and group appointments where students can gain practical feedback for improving oral and group presentations.

The Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) program provides an active, engaged learning experience for students enrolled in potentially difficult gateway courses. Students who register with PLTL will meet in small groups once a week and are expected to attend every session. Students who regularly attend sessions typically earn a half to a whole letter grade higher than students who do not participate in the PLTL program.

Peer Tutoring (PT) offers math and science tutoring assistance for many of the historically challenging undergraduate courses at UT Dallas. The sessions are designed to address students' individual questions and needs; however, the tutors do not provide answers for homework, quizzes, or exams. Peer Tutoring services include drop-in tutoring for most 1000 and 2000 level courses, one-on-one appointments for a limited number of 3000 and 4000 level courses, and weekly reviews the timings of which vary by semester.

Supplemental Instruction (SI) provides peer-facilitated weekly study sessions for students taking historically difficult courses. SI sessions encourage active, collaborative learning based on critical thinking and transferable study skills. SI Leaders attend lectures and take notes, just like the enrolled students. Students should check the SSC website for supported subjects and session times.

The Writing Center (WC) is a collaborative learning environment for students interested in developing stronger writing skills. One-on-one appointments are offered, as are weekly workshops. Scheduling an appointment is strongly recommended, but drop-in hours are also available.

The Student Success Center's main office is located in the McDermott Library Building on the first floor, MC 1.302, and can be contacted by calling 972-883-6707 or by email.

Graduate Students

The Center for Teaching and Learning supports graduate students, especially teaching assistants through teaching certificates, workshops on pedagogy, and reading groups on emerging educational issues. They are located in MC 2.402, on the first floor of the McDermott Library. The Center's phone number is 972-883-2247.

The Office of Graduate Education Fellowship Services offers workshops on fellowship and grant writing, including a Grant Writing Certificate program. Students applying for external funding can schedule appointments to find funding and to develop their applications. The Fellowship Office is located in FA 3.104C, on the second floor of the Founders West Annex. The office's phone number is 972-883-4568.

The Office of Graduate Education Writing Services offers workshops on writing as well as one-on-one appointments, writing groups, and writing retreats to help graduate students improve their writing skills. The Writing Services Office is located in FA 3.104, on the second floor of the Founders West Annex. Appointments can be made via email.

University Resources

Additional university resources, "Resources for Study and Campus Life" are listed in the online Undergraduate Catalog and the Graduate Catalog.

Content of this document was last modified by the Office of Institutional Success and Decision Support, 2024-01-24
Webpage updated by the Web Applications & Technology group, 2024-03-14